The Perfectionist Trap: The Ultimate Roadblock to Realizing Your Fitness and Health Goals

Posted On Apr 01, 2024 |

Are you continually falling short of your health aspirations while labeling yourself a ‘perfectionist’? You're not the first to fall into this trap.

Perfectionist Trap: The Ultimate Roadblock to Realizing Your Fitness and Health Goals

Women over 40: Are you tired of setting goals but never quite reaching them? Do you find yourself continually falling short of your aspirations, while at the same time labeling yourself a ‘perfectionist’?

You're not alone. Many of us have fallen into this trap.

Ask yourself: Am I really a perfectionist? Or am I using that word as a protective mechanism against taking action? 

Time for some real talk: perfectionism isn't a legitimate reason for failure to progress or not take action; it's to disguise fear and self-doubt. It is an excuse to procrastinate. 

When you say "well I'm a perfectionist", what you are really saying is you want the is the ROAD to the goal to be perfect. 

But that's impossible. 

In this post, I'm going to delve into the real reasons why some people finish what they start while others remain stuck in a cycle of unfinished projects and unmet goals.

Debunk the Myth of Perfectionism

Many of us have bought into the myth that perfectionism is a something to strive for, a mark of excellence, and a badge of honor. But in reality, it's a sneaky saboteur lurking in the shadows of our unconscious, whispering lies of inadequacy and fear of the unknown. 

It is these inner voices that stop us from taking action. This happens for a variety of reasons. 

It's time to strip away the illusions and expose perfectionism for what it truly is: a barrier to progress, a hindrance to growth, and a thief of joy. By unraveling the layers of how we deceive ourselves, we can reclaim our power, embrace imperfection, and forge ahead with confidence on the path to success.

Understand the Science Behind Inaction

Why do some of us hesitate to even take the first step towards our goals while others charge ahead with unwavering determination? The answer lies in our nervous system, shaped by a myriad of factors including past experiences, societal pressures, and internal beliefs. 

At the heart of this conundrum often lies a fundamental fear of of the unknown, fear of failure, and self-doubt, casting shadows over everything we do. Moreover, our perception of how others view us adds another layer of complexity to the equation, fueling our fear of judgment and rejection. 

The problem is that all this takes place in our unconscious brain, well before we even try to plan anything. Your unconscious actions and thoughts have been created FOR you not chosen BY you, through social, familial, experiential, and cultural influences.This in turn has built your belief system and the stories that navigate your life. 

The brain is reactive, it predicts the future based on what happened in the past and NOT what you want to happen or even what is really good for you. From a neurological perspective, this is easier, so the brain prefers it. It takes less energy and less time. Because of this, logic never even enters into the equation. 

Create New Realities! 

By delving deep into the stories behind our inaction, we can untangle the knots of hesitation, confront our fears head-on, and reprogram our unconscious mind to concentrate on the things in our lives that serve us rather than those that keep us stuck - and reclaim agency over our journey towards success.

1. Self Examination - This will be covered in future blogs but the gist is that we must learn what stories we tell ourselves, examine them (because they usually aren't true), and re-write them, thereby creating new neuro-pathways that lead us to success. 

2. Embracing Progress Over Perfection - In a world that glorifies flawless outcomes, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of perfection. But this is just the thing keeping us stuck! If we internalize the idea that every step forward no matter how small, is a victory in itself, this can be liberating. It is also good for our brain chemistry because by celebrating our progress, however incremental, we cultivate a sense of accomplishment and momentum that propels us ever closer to our goals.

3. Cultivating Resilience and a Growth Mindset - we know that we'll have good days, and days that make us want to quit. That's where resilience comes in. Resilience is not merely about bouncing back from setbacks; it's about using adversity as a catalyst for growth. Cultivating resilience requires a shift in mindset from viewing challenges as insurmountable obstacles to seeing them as opportunities for learning and self-improvement. A growth mindset fosters resilience by encouraging us to embrace failure as a natural part of the learning process and to view setbacks as temporary, not permanent roadblocks. 

You can even learn to view setbacks as wins - because you learned something about yourself! 

Develop Aligned Goals and Action Plans

1. Align Goals with Personal Values and Aspirations - setting goals that are in alignment with our personal values and aspirations is key to success. When our goals resonate with our core values and reflect our deepest desires, we are more likely to stay motivated, committed and driven, even when faced with challenges. 

By taking the time to clarify our values and identify what truly matters to us (not to other people!), we can ensure that we have a reason to continue on that long bumpy road.

2. Breaking Down Goals into Manageable Action Steps - the journey towards achieving our goals can often seem daunting and overwhelming, and there's nothing that will quickly take the wind out of our sails than not having a workable aligned action plan. 

Creating a roadmap for success by breaking down goals into smaller, more manageable action steps is essential for avoiding overwhelm, staying on track, and making progress. This approach not only helps us maintain momentum and focus but also allows us to celebrate small victories along the way as described above, reinforcing our sense of accomplishment and motivation.


The journey towards achieving our goals is often fraught with challenges and obstacles, both external and internal. This is because change can be scary emotionally and especially neurologically. 

However, by challenging the the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves - and delving into the real reasons behind our struggles, we can pave the way for meaningful progress and success. 

We need to debunk the myth of perfectionism. By understanding the science behind inaction, overcoming the fear of imperfection, creating new realities, and setting aligned goals and action plans, we empower ourselves to take decisive steps towards our dreams. 

Remember, progress is not about perfection; it's about EMBRACING imperfection and moving forward one step at a time. So let's  dream boldly, act courageously, and embrace the journey with open hearts and minds. Together, we can achieve greatness and make our dreams a reality!

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Categories: Thrive